User experience in search engines knowledge graph and knowledge vault
User Experience, Search engines, Semantic Web, Knowledge Graph, Knowledge VaultAbstract
Introduction: Search engines are responsible for satisfying the information need and for efficiently and effective retrieving documents in different formats. In this context, the discipline of User Experience becomes fundamental, in the creation of mechanisms that satisfy and contribute to the use of a system. However, there is a need for research that looks at how some Web search engine technologies are influencing User Experience.
Objective: To discuss how current information and communication technologies can influence the User Experience, focusing on the Knowledge Graph and Knowledge Vault search engines, under an Information Science perspective.
Methodology: Qualitative, exploratory and analytical, in which the facets of the User Experience in the context of Knowledge Graph and Knowledge Vault technologies were carried out.
Results: It was related to a table the User Experience with Knowledge Graph and Knowledge Vault using the User Experience facets. Through this table, it was identified that the functionalities inserted in these systems have been contributing in the presentation of the search, which differentiates the user experience in this system when compared to the traditional search.
Conclusion: Through this work it is verified how the search engines are evolving from the perspective of the User Experience, where the main innovations related to the processes and search, have been adhered to the needs pointed out by the main theorists of the User Experience.
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