There was a stone: dialogues between history teaching and the public history on the implementation of the Law 11.645/08




Public History, Interculturality, History Teaching (Law 11645-08), Indigenous and African Cultures, Curriculum.


This paper aims to discuss the new horizons, the challenges and possibilities for the historian, in frontier areas, in an exploratory perspective of the field of Public History. History teaching can be understood in dialogue with this field, as it contributes to the dissemination of historical knowledge. It also intends to demonstrate some potentialities of Public History on the implementation of the Law 11.645/08, through workshops with students of eighth and ninth grade of elementary school at the Altivo César Municipal School, located in the neighborhood of Barreto in Niterói (RJ). These workshops were proposed from the theoretical and conceptual contributions of intercultural theory, considering the specificities of the production of historical school knowledge, with a view to problematizing Brazilian cultural issues and the tensions stemming from the colonization processes. The research began in the same year that Unidos da Viradouro samba school shouted for the local identity of Niterói (which in tupi guarani means “hidden waters”) enabling approximations between the students and the invisible narratives in their own city in verses from the Carnival in Sapucai. The Itapuca Stone constitutes one of these narratives and will be explored in this article as a demonstration of the relations established between History Teaching and Public History, being able to help us in the problem that represent another stone on the way: the classroom is no longer hegemonic in accessing knowledge. The methodology adopted was the qualitative approach in action research, with the intention of describing and analyzing the possible ways to implement this law.


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Author Biography

Maria de Fátima Barbosa Pires, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Doctoral student in the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Professor at the municipal network of Niterói (RJ) and at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


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How to Cite

Pires, M. de F. B. (2019). There was a stone: dialogues between history teaching and the public history on the implementation of the Law 11.645/08. História & Ensino, 25(2), 297–324.


