The regional and local history teaching in the high school: experiences and challenges




Local history, Regional history, History teaching.


This article bases itself in research that search how the high school history teachers work with theirs students the regional and local problems. We based ourselves in the Curricular Propose of Santa Catarina state (Proposta Curricular da Secretaria Estadual de Educação do Estado de Santa Catarina), and in the National Curricular Plans (Planos Curriculares Nacionais), to the history teaching, that defends the importance of teaching Local and Regional History. The methodology that we used to collect information was based in the Oral History procedure; we worked with the history teachers statements. The experiences made with the regional and local history teaching in Chapecó city in the teacher’s interpretations shows that the works made in the schools emphasizing the local and the regional wake up the students' curiosity and make them questioning about their paper in the historic context that they live in.


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Author Biographies

Elison Antonio Paim, Universidade de Campinas

PhD in Education from Unicamp. Professor of the History course and Coordinator of the West Santa Catarina Memory Center - CEOM-UNICHAPECÓ

Vanessa Picolli, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC

Master's student in Education at the State University of Santa Catarina - UDESC - Florianópolis


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How to Cite

Paim, E. A., & Picolli, V. (2007). The regional and local history teaching in the high school: experiences and challenges. História & Ensino, 13, 107–126.


