A practice in other(s) space(s): writing and rewriting of texts in virtual environment orkut
Digital Literacy, Writing, RewritingAbstract
This research aims at examining virtual Orkut communities whose topics permeate the writing or rewriting of texts, as well as analyzing the textual productions of their members and also the respective corrections of those done and available in such social network, in order to observe the peculiarities of these texts which circulate in the virtual world. Moreover, it intends to investigate the reflexes in what is known as the real world, since such productions are inevitably originated in the school universe and to it return somehow. Considering the concept that “the act of writing is the offer of something to read” (MARCUSCHI, 2005), the compositions made available by members of this social network can be classified as texts for various interlocutors, which allow the analyses of the levels of the textual production of what has been written; the criteria used to evaluate these productions and even the opinions these people have of the act of writing.Downloads
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