Biblical circumstances of the production of the “Way of the Cross” at the Rainha dos Apóstolos church in Londrina: a genetic-stylistic approach




Church, Genetic Criticism, Transmutation


In this article, we present the results of an investigation carried out on the wooden paintings of the Way of the Cross in the Rainha dos Apóstolos church in Londrina, Paraná, looking at the artistic and linguistic expressions of the works. In other words, we provide an analysis of the history and echo between the biblical text and the artistic reproduction of one of these canvases, shaped by a creative process with a strong visual and artistic appeal. Given this, it was necessary to carry out a precise and comprehensive study in order to bring to light its entire creative movement based on Genetic Criticism and Stylistics. The artistic work of the Way of the Cross is taken from the books of the biblical gospels and the apocryphal tradition. What is crafted by the artist will be analyzed for its creative capacity in bringing forth, from the chisel, all the inspiration based on the sacred texts of the religious tradition, tied to the fact that his art adorns a church in a region marked by immigration, demonstrating work, faith, renewal, and construction. Therefore, we demonstrate a creative process made of art and history along with the transmutation of the biblical text in the Way of the Cross paintings.




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Author Biographies

Bruno Athila Nascimento Silva, Londrina State University

Bruno Athila Nascimento Silva é padre palotino, com atuação em Londrina. Professor de Sagrada Escritura na Faculdade João Paulo II de Marília/São Paulo. Tem graduação em filosofia (bacharelado-FASBAM/Curitiba) e em teologia (bacharelado - Claretianos/Curitiba). Tem mestrado em Bíblia pela Pontifícia Universidade Gregoriana de Roma - Itália e agora é doutorando em Estudos da Linguagem no programa da UEL. 

Edina Panichi , Londrina State University

Formada em Letras Anglo-Portuguesas pela PUC/Paraná. Especialista em Língua Portuguesa pela UEL. Mestre e Doutora em Letras pela UNESP. Pós-Doutorado em Teoria/Crítica Literária pela UFMG. Atua na linha Estudo do Texto/Discurso no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Linguagem da UEL – PPGEL. Autora de livros e trabalhos sobre processos de criação na escrita.


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How to Cite

NASCIMENTO SILVA, Bruno Athila; PANICHI , Edina. Biblical circumstances of the production of the “Way of the Cross” at the Rainha dos Apóstolos church in Londrina: a genetic-stylistic approach. Entretextos, Londrina, v. 24, n. 1, p. 234–248, 2024. DOI: 10.5433/1519-5392.2024v24n1p234-248. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 jan. 2025.

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