Pronominal variation “nós/a gente” in the speech of individuals from Northern Paraná: the role of extralinguistic factors
primeira pessoa do plural, língua falada, sociolinguística variacionistaAbstract
It is common sense that variation is one of the characteristics of languages in general. Although there are categorical grammatical rules that cannot be violated by speakers, there are also variable rules, among which the variation of the first person plural stands out. Even though, normative grammars invariably present the same set of subject pronouns, this pronominal system no longer corresponds to the linguistic reality in Brazil, where there are two first-person plural pronouns: nós and a gente, both of which are frequently found in different regions of the country. With that in mind, this present work, based on the methodology of Variationist Sociolinguistics, aims to examine the pronominal variation of the first person plural in the speech of individuals from Northern Paraná. To do so, 15 interviews with Northern Paraná informants are analyzed to investigate how extralinguistic factors such as gender, age group, and level of education influence the realization of the linguistic phenomenon in question. After the analysis, it was observed that in Northern Paraná, there is a preference for a gente as the first person plural subject pronoun, regardless of the social factors analyzed.
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