The Parable as a mediating linguistic instrument in Jesus' pedagogy of the Kingdom


  • João Carlos Domingues dos Santos Rodrigues Universidade Estadual de Londrina



Jesus, Parables, Pedagogy, ISD


The aim of this article is to promote an approximation between the pedagogy of Jesus, used in his theological work, especially in the 'Parables of the Kingdom' and Bronckart's Sociodiscursive Interactionism (ISD). From the vygotiskyano, the language-ordering of the real, and Bakhtinian presuppositions, of the textual genres as relatively stable statements, and in May of which we interact with the world, we observe that already Jesus, in his 'professional act', made use of these presuppositions, same ones that are on the bases of the ISD. The appreciation of the peculiar way in which the countrymen of Jesus saw and understood the world, as well as the use of a textual genre quite present in the Jewish religious life (the parable) to convey the news of the Kingdom, compose the scenario of production and the plot of the four parables we will analyze. The 'Parables of the Kingdom', present in the Gospel according to Mark, will be our corpus of inquiry, as well as Bronckart's 'Activity of language, text and speech'. We intend, at the end of this article, to promote a rapprochement between ISD and Biblical Studies, hitherto unknown to us, expanding not only the understanding of the pedagogical acts of Jesus, but opening space for this same action to be effective for all those who want to walk on the footsteps of Jesus and be his imitators.




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Author Biography

João Carlos Domingues dos Santos Rodrigues, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Master's degree from PPGEL- Post-Graduate Program in Language Studies, State University of Londrina.


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How to Cite

RODRIGUES, J. C. D. dos S. The Parable as a mediating linguistic instrument in Jesus’ pedagogy of the Kingdom. Entretextos, Londrina, v. 19, n. 1, p. 143–161, 2019. DOI: 10.5433/1519-5392.2019v19n1p143. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 may. 2024.