The discourse genre popular verse: support for reading and writing at school




Discursive genre, Popular rhyme, Instructional sequence.


This article aims at characterizing the discourse genre popular block so that this characterization may in future support the development of didactic sequences of reading and written production of this context. Hang on to the historicity, the conditions of production, circulation, thematic elements, enunciation, compositional and stylistic. The research was based on Bakhtin's concept of speech genres and authors that dialogue about the versification of oral poetry, and traditional literary forms in their various social events. Qualitatively, we investigated a corpus of 44 popular blocks collected from the Trova (1973), People Trova (1974), Popular Traditions (1976), ballad of Brazil (1972), Music, sweet music (1976), melodies of the ox and other parts (1989), Bumba-meu-boi sound and movement (2011), Witchcraft Music in Brazil (1963), Versification Romanesque Manual (2003), Manual of gaucho dances (1955) and + 1001 popular rhymes Grandma Anita (2008). The results show that the popular court in Brazil is a discursive genre that is characterized by being enshrined in the Portuguese mold, whose afeccionment occurs by a process to formulate, supported the principle of variation. Saving for "initial crutches" and the "final" or "buzzwords", many thematic source, but with adaptations already nationalized. It was concluded that these features of speech genre popular block in Brazil can support a reading and written production work in the classroom in both Elementary and High School contexts.

Author Biography

Wildman dos Santos Cestari, Universidade de Taubaté - UNITAU.

Master degree candidate in Applied Linguistics.


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How to Cite

CESTARI, Wildman dos Santos. The discourse genre popular verse: support for reading and writing at school. Entretextos, Londrina, v. 15, n. 2, p. 109–138, 2015. DOI: 10.5433/1519-5392.2015v15n2p109. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


