Civil responsibility in granting the payroll loan: an analysis of public server indebtedness rondônia the state
Payroll Loan, State Law, Responsibility.Abstract
The democratization face to the credit directed to the consumer has generated negative impacts to the consumer society, since the granting of credit is made without any action, combined with a thoughtless acquisition, seriously compromising their financial health through indebtedness. Here is the need of legal measure to prevent and control the product/service called payroll loan, designed especially to civil servants, and, for this reason, the state of Rondônia, like other federal entities, created the Complementary Law n. 622, of July 11, 2011, establishing the Special Committee on Consignment — CECON. Facing the matter is necessary, which is responsible for discerning liability for any violation of the provisions of the Code of Consumer Protection in this relationship, when it involves state public server.Downloads
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