Some considerations on the Master Plan of municipalities and their importance in the process of building citizenship and democracy
Master plan, City Statute, Democracy, Citizenship, Popular participation, Urbanism.Abstract
The urbanization process in Brazil, understood as increased populaçãodas urban areas and consequent reduction of the rural population, is a fenômenoque has intensified in the last three decades. Its causes are many, bemcomo the consequences for the population as a whole. The urban space desordenadado occupation entails a lot of damage to the environment econsequentemente environment for the people who live in urban areas, requiring umaefetiva intervention of the government to improve the ocupaçãodesordenada and planejaras future occupations. This process should be based on prior umplanejamento and rely on the mandatory participation of the affected population, in order to meet the constitutional command of participatory democracy. The PlanoDiretor is one of the elements able to promote this improvement urbano.Trata is a bylaw space with constitutional provision that came to serregulamentada by the City Statute (Law No. 10,257 / 2001) traced seusobjetivos and guidelines. This paper aims to address the maisrelevantes aspects in relation to the Master Plan, particularly its contribution to solidificaçãoda democracy and citizenship from the effective popular participation in the development of its procces.Downloads
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