Experience Systematization in Livestock Farming: Rotational Grazing as Sustainable Management in the South American Pampa





Biome Recovery, Rotational Grazing, Sustainable Livestock Farming




The search for more sustainable practices is one of the missions for Brazilian agriculture and livestock, considering the various agroecosystems in degradation within our territory. In this sense, it is necessary to implement new forms of sustainable management and productive practices, seeking to minimize environmental degradation and establish a more profitable system in harmony with nature. In the context of livestock farming, rotational grazing is a rational practice of agricultural management that breaks away from traditional methods and integrates the relationship between soil, plants, and animals. This work presents a systematization of the experience on a rural property located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the city of São Vicente do Sul, district of Palma, which implemented rotational grazing. With this purpose, this research aims to portray the consolidation of rotational grazing as a sustainable management practice in livestock farming and its contribution to the recovery of the Brazilian Southern Pampa biome. At the end of this study, it can be noted that rotational grazing has proven to be a practice that contributed to the reduction of biome degradation, improved the physical and chemical conditions of the soil, and enhanced animal welfare.


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How to Cite

Balin, D. L., & Martins e Souza, L. P. (2023). Experience Systematization in Livestock Farming: Rotational Grazing as Sustainable Management in the South American Pampa. Geographia Opportuno Tempore, 9(2), e48842. https://doi.org/10.5433/got.2023.v9.48842