We can remember it for you: vision and media in Philip K. Dick





Bildwissenschaft, Imaginary Media, Science fiction cinema, Philip K. Dick.


Science fiction uses speculation on the development of science as a resource to propel us to faraway or future worlds, technologically more advanced than ours. Said speculation does not only consider sophisticated transportation systems that can travel through space and time, but also imaginary visual media such as holograms, videocalls, and even memory alteration gadgets. This essay proposes a reading of the imaginary visual media that appear in three films based on the work of Philip K. Dick, using the media archeology categories. The aim is to place the imaginary visual media in their historical and discursive contexts, elucidate how they relate with the work of the American writer- as they are not necessary present-, and especially, to understand certain problems concerning Bildwissenschaft, such as the human body as a medium of the image.

Author Biography

Paula, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Professora de Teoria e História da Arte da Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Doutora em Estudos Americanos


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Filmografía (ordem cronológica)

Blade Runner, dirigido por Ridley Scott, 1982.

Total Recall, dirigido por Paul Verhoeven, 1990

Minority Report, dirigido por Steven Spielberg, 2002.



How to Cite

Paula. “We Can Remember It for You: Vision and Media in Philip K. Dick”. Terra Roxa E Outras Terras: Revista De Estudos Literários, vol. 43, no. 1, June 2023, p. 98, doi:10.5433/1678-2054.2023vol43n1p98.