Hallucinated city: kitsch and desvairismo
Hallucinated city, Mario de Andrade, kitsch, desvarismoAbstract
“My claims? Freedom” (Andrade 2019: 11). Amid the modernization process of São Paulo, a process filled with contradictions and conflicts, Mário de Andrade publishes his Pauliceia desvairada, translated as Hallucinated City, a complex book, which combines elements of mass culture and popular culture to create a Brazilian avant-garde art. In this paper, we propose that the 1922 book, so close to the logic and aesthetics of technical reproducibility, can be seen as a way of studying the emergence of kitsch in Brazil. This proposition is supported by the reading of some poems and the Prefácio interessantíssimo, but it is also supported by the theoretical elaboration made in A escrava que não é Isaura (1925) and in the release of Klaxon (1922). What stands out is the ambivalence of the positions at stake: in Mário de Andrade we find the desvairismo as an avant-garde and aristocratic defense of genuine art; but we also note the emergence of kitsch, marked by the seduction of clichés and by the performative masking that, in face of the masses, empties any essence of subjects and objects.
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