A critical history in Crítica e poética, by Afrânio Coutinho


  • Ana Luiza Martignoni Spínola Universidade Estadual de Londrina




Afrânio Coutinho, Crítica e poética, René Wellek


This article aims to address the essays present in Afrânio Coutinho’s Crítica e Poética (1968), which we consider indispensable to perceive Coutinho’s vision on the history of western literary criticism, and also to understand why criticism in Brazil has taken several directions over time. In addition, we use the work of the critic René Wellek (1903-1995), especially the book A História da Crítica Moderna, paying attention, sometimes, to the influence of his theory in the thought of Afrânio Coutinho.


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Author Biography

Ana Luiza Martignoni Spínola, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Master's student in Letters at the Universidade Estadual de Londrina.


COUTINHO, Afrânio. 1968. Crítica e poética. Rio de Janeiro: Acadêmica.

COUTINHO, Afrânio. 1968. “Crítica de mim mesmo”. Disponível no site: http://www.pacc.ufrj.br/literaria/ mimmesmo.html. Acesso em: 13/02/2011.

SÜSSEKIND, Flora. Papéis colados. Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ, 1993.

WELLEK, René. 1967. História da crítica moderna. 2 vols. São Paulo: EDUSP, 1967.



How to Cite

Spínola, Ana Luiza Martignoni. “A Critical History in Crítica E poética, by Afrânio Coutinho”. Terra Roxa E Outras Terras: Revista De Estudos Literários, vol. 22, Dec. 2011, pp. 47-56, doi:10.5433/1678-2054.2011v22p47.