On the edge of narrative limits: cidade de deus and the brazilian social structure dramatic work





Modernity, Fiction, Favela, Narration


Study of Paulo Lins’s narrative Cidade de Deus, aiming at the questions “how does its text relate to the critical building of Brazilian modernity?” and “how does it get to sustain itself as an autonomous universe of the extra-fi ctional?”. In spite of having close relations with the external reality, it acquires value as a fi ctional work because of its formal components such as: the narrative space design, the narrator’s speech, the infl uence on the ethnographic approach, and the popular language, and their slang structures.


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Author Biography

Lívia Lemos Duarte, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Master of Arts (Science of Literature) from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.


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How to Cite

Duarte, Lívia Lemos. “On the Edge of Narrative Limits: Cidade De Deus and the Brazilian Social Structure Dramatic Work”. Terra Roxa E Outras Terras: Revista De Estudos Literários, vol. 9, Mar. 2016, pp. 77-90, doi:10.5433/1678-2054.2007v9p77.


