Factors involved in the construction of knowledge of prospective English teachers in a context of language learning in a Letters course


  • Solange Teresinha Ricardo de Castro Universidade de Taubaté




Knowledge construction, English teachers-to-be, teaching knowledge, linguistic knowledge.


The aim of this paper is to discuss the factors involved in the construction of knowledge of English teachers-to-be in the English classes of an undergraduate foreign language teacher education course (Letras course) at a university in the state of São Paulo, having as theoretical constructs the concepts of guided participation, intersubjectivity, symbolic mediation, affect, and valoration. To achieve its objective, the discussions on English learning of ten students in this course in the period 2005-2006 were analysed. Results show that these factors inter-relate in classroom activities to build knowledge not only about the language but also about teaching and learning English as a foreign language.


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Author Biography

Solange Teresinha Ricardo de Castro, Universidade de Taubaté

Professora licenciada em Letras pela Universidade de São Paulo (1974), mestre em Lingüística Aplicada e Estudos da Linguagem pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (1994) e doutora em Lingüística Aplicada e Estudos da Linguagem pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (1999). Professora titular na Universidade de Taubaté – UNITAU.



How to Cite

CASTRO, Solange Teresinha Ricardo de. Factors involved in the construction of knowledge of prospective English teachers in a context of language learning in a Letters course. Signum: Estudos da Linguagem, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. 51–72, 2007. DOI: 10.5433/2237-4876.2007v10n1p51. Disponível em: https://ojs.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/signum/article/view/3968. Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.