The knowledge production in University, on Pedagogy course: a study of its understanding by teachers and students and the correspondent pratical actions
Knowledge production, Teachers educations, Pedagogy student identity, Pedagogy courseAbstract
The study aimed at showing through the Methodology of Problematization, the understanding the teachers and students from the referred course from UEL have about the production of the knowledge and the respective relation, to the teachers education. It obtained results after the analysis of the questionnaires in the light of the institutional documents, literature about the subject and other pertinent references poionts to the necesity of remeasurement of the conceptions and investigated practices. The proposed hypothetical solutions in the study indicates the necessity of looking for the identity of the beginning from his role in the production of the knowledge, showing the initiatives and alternatives of this production in permanent evaluation of the course of the pedagogical project. Some ways to apply the study to reality are also indicated.Downloads
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