Psychosocial care in pandemic times: the listening in virtual environment
Psychosocial care, Pandemic, Virtual careAbstract
Introduction: With the outbreak of the health crisis in 2020, significant changes occurred in the lives of individuals, one of them being the decreasing of the movement of people in public and private spaces, which, consequently, culminated in massive migration to the virtual world. In this sense, the services offered in the area of mental health also found a place in the cybernetic space, as a means of continuing to produce listening to subjects who found themselves weakened in this new condition of be and being in the world.
Objective: In this way, this article intends to expose our experience of psychological care in the virtual environment from the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil.
Method: To map the work in this field, we used cartography as a research method to follow the processes in all the dimensions that it assumes: in the field of affections, singularities and the social of the people served. Cartography operates in a lively and dynamic way, without losing sight of how these arrangements are constructed, according to the complexity and singularities of those involved.
Discussion: The material produced by our investigation helped us to follow how the social, political and economic dynamics experienced echoed in the lives of the people served as well as the limits of listening.
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