The return of the prodigal son: an understanding of theory of Analytical Psychology
Prodigal son, Rembrandt, Analytical Psychology, Paternal Complex.Abstract
This study aims to identify some basic concepts of Analytical Psychology in Rembrandt’s painting entitled “The Return of the Prodigal Son”, inspired by the parable “The Prodigal Son”, taken from the Bible, Luke´s Gospel, chapter XV, verses 1-32. The precepts of Analytical Psychology on individuation, conscious, unconscious personal, collective, anima, animus, self, persona, symbols, complexes, paternal complex, individuation process, archetypes and their correlation with religious artistic expression were considered. The methodology was a bibliographic review on the websites of the CAPES and Scielo portal of the last five years, articles, books of the Jungian approach. In summary, it has been reiterated that there is contribution of the arts in the process of Analytical Psychology, since both the Parable of the Prodigal Son and the painting of Rembrandt illustrate the symbolic codification in the process of individuation of man. In this way, it was understood that the human being is a set-in continuous transition, in process of incessant improvement in all aspects considered (philosophical, sociological, spiritual, ethical, moral). Thus, in this uninterrupted process of transformation, complexities arise in which some conflicts disappear and others remain in their anthropological, ancestral history as perspectives of apprehension, achievements that must be achieved.Downloads
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