Street connectivity and walking: An empirical study in Londrina- PR

Street connectivity and walking: An empirical study in Londrina- PR




Walkability. Space syntax. Intersection density. Logistic regression. Active travel.


Walkability is emerging as an urban planning guideline that encourages walking, considered the healthiest and most sustainable mean of transportation. Street connectivity, essential for walkable spaces, is commonly measured through Intersection Density (ID). On the other hand, Integration, derived from the Space Syntax theory, is understood as a more complex measure of connectivity. In Brazil, no study has been conducted considering these variables in terms of walkability or sociodemographic variable moderations. The objective of this research is to analyze these connectivity measures’ influence on walking, considering sociodemographic covariables in a multiple logistic regression. A case study was conducted in Londrina-PR considering Origin-Destination data of trips (n = 19323) and sociodemographic characteristics. Integration was calculated for each street segment in a 1200m radius. ID was calculated by zone, considering intersection quantity and area. A multiple logistic regression model was fitted, containing significant covariables. Odds Ratio were analyzed in relation to their theoretical implications. Results indicate that residents of highly connected areas walked more. Both connectivity measures were significant. This suggests that although related, they can capture different aspects of the street network. This study contributes with evidence for the Brazilian context on connectivity through the prism of walkability. Through empiricism, it will be possible to subsidize public policy and urban planning in the creation of walkable spaces.


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Author Biographies

Ana Luiza Favarão Leão, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

PhD student in Architecture and Urbanism in progress by the Associate Program UEL / UEM in the area of Architecture and Urbanism, with an emphasis on Urbanism.

Mariana Ragassi Urbano, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

PhD in Agonomy from the Universidade de São Paulo Professor at the Universidade Estadual de Londrina.


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How to Cite

Favarão Leão, A. L., & Ragassi Urbano, M. (2020). Street connectivity and walking: An empirical study in Londrina- PR. Semina: Ciências Exatas E Tecnológicas, 41(1), 31–42.



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