Determinação da condutividade e difusividade hidráulica dos solos terra roxa estruturada e latossolo roxo através da infiltração vertical.
vertical infiltration, gamma ray attenuation, hydraulic diffusivity and conductivity.Abstract
The hydraulic diffusivity and conductivity functions of LR and TE (levels A and B) soil samples from the Londrina-PR region were calculated by means of the moisture profile and data from the time evolution of the wet front, taken through measurements of the water infiltration in a soil column and a variational formulation of the vertical flow. The wet front data were taken in a acrylic column coupled in its base with a porous plate that permitted the water flow against the gravitational field with a suitable velocity of 0.12 cm/min. The moisture profile data were obtained by the gamma ray attenuation method, with a 60Co source and a Nal (TL) scintillation detector. With a vertical and horizontal measurement table the moisture profile data 6 (z, t) were taken in many points of the soil column.
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