Analysis of the inelasticity in the multiparticle production processes in Hadronic Collision at High Energy levels.
Hadronic Collision, High Energy levels, Inclusive Reaction, Leading Particle, Inelasticity, Mean Inelasticity, Multiplicity, Impact Parameter, Energy Dependence, Eikonal, Fluctuations in the Eikonal, Inelastic Overlapping Function.Abstract
This present work deals with a broad and critical phenomenological analysis about the inelasticity in the hadronic collisions at high energy levels. A discussion is presented with the purpose of correlating the inelasticity distributions with the multiplicity distribution as well as the characteristic functions of the impact parameter space. The energy dependence of the mean inelasticity is analyzed, based on the inclusive reactions of a particle and on the correlations with the probability of multiparticles distribution as well as with the inelastic overlapping function. In all attempts the results showed that the mean inelasticity remains constant in the GeV energy region. Finally, a way to examine the possibility of finding a broader connection among the inelasticity, the multiplicity and the impact parameter, is suggested.
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