Power Allocation based on Certain Equivalent Margin Applicable to Wireless Communication Systems Limited by Interference
DS-CDMA, Power Control Algorithm, Geometric Programming, Perron-Frobenius Eigenvalue TheoryAbstract
This paper analyzes the method of power allocation for wireless communication networks, limited by multiple access interference under fading Rayleigh channels. The method takes into account the statistical variation of the desired and interfering signals power and optimally and dynamically allocates the power resources in the system. This allocation is made being taken into account the restrictions imposed by the outage probability for each receiver/transmitter pair. Based on the Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue and geometric programming (GP) theories, some interesting results were found for the optimization problem analyzed. A GP is a special type of optimization problem that can be transformed in a non-linear convex optimization problem simply by the change of variables, and then to be globally solved. Also, an iterative method for fast convergence was shown to find the optimally power allocation seeking to minimize the outage probability in the communication.
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