Genetic parameters and selection of micromineral-biofortified Andean bean lines with high technological quality



Palabras clave:

Color pattern, Frequency distribution, Heritability, Scott-Knott, Selection index, Phaseolus vulgaris.


The development of new micromineral-biofortified Andean bean cultivars with a grain pattern that meets consumers’ requirements is unprecedented. This study proposes to obtain estimates of phenotypic parameters for technological-quality traits and micromineral concentration and to select superior Andean bean lines. The cross between cultivars Hooter and Cal 96 generated the recombinant inbred line population that was evaluated in the F5:6 and F5:7 generations. Technological quality was analyzed based on grain color determined in a colorimeter: L* (dark to light), a* (green to red) and b* (blue to yellow) values; and mass of 100 grains. Micromineral concentration (iron and zinc) was obtained by acid digestion. A significant genotype effect was found for all evaluated traits, except for zinc concentration in the F5:7 generation. L*, a* and b* showed high heritability (h2 ? 90.85%) and qualitative inheritance. High heritability (h2 ? 75.57%) was also observed for mass of 100 grains and iron and zinc concentrations, which exhibited quantitative inheritance. Grains of the cranberry bean lines DFA 39-18 and DFA 01-18 are very light (L* ? 52.18), with light red (a* ? 9.49) and light yellow (b* ? 16.00) shades; large (mass of 100 grains > 40 g); and have high iron concentrations (Fe ? 95.00 mg kg-1 dry matter). Grains of the red mottled bean lines DFA 03-18, DFA 27-18 and DFA 44-18 exhibited high technological quality, i.e., are dark (33.11 < L* < 37.28), light red (16.24 < a*< 18.72) and very light yellow (b* ? 9.45) shades, and large (mass of 100 grains > 40 g). These lines will be selected by the breeding program.

Biografía del autor/a

Nerinéia Dalfollo Ribeiro, Federal University of Santa Maria

Profª Drª, Department of Plant Science, Federal University of Santa Maria, UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.

Henrique Caletti Mezzomo, Federal University of Santa Maria

Student of the Master´s Course of the Pós-Graduate Program in Agronomy, UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.

Greice Rosana Kläsener, Federal University of Santa Maria

Student of the Master´s Course of the Pós-Graduate Program in Agronomy, UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.


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Cómo citar

Ribeiro, N. D., Mezzomo, H. C., & Kläsener, G. R. (2021). Genetic parameters and selection of micromineral-biofortified Andean bean lines with high technological quality. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 42(2), 517–538.




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