Adição de NaCI em soluções fixadoras - observações histológicas e histoquímicas


  • Arestides Massao Nachi Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Ivan Giacomo Piza Universidade Estadual de Londrina



A comparative analysis of results obtained with different fixative solutions is presented. The fixatives used were neutral formaldehyde, conventional Bouin, and these same solutions containing 0.7% NaCl. The organ studied under each of these fixative conditions was the submandibular salivary gland of the rat, which was evaluated in parafin sections stained with HE and Mallory as well as by means of histochemical techniques for mucosubstances and proteins. The following conclusions are drawn: 1. An addition of 0.7% NaCl improves both the 10% formaldehyde and the Bouin fixatives; 2. The Bouin-NaCI fixative is good for general morphologic studies but neither for acini nor ductal granules; 3. For microscopic observations of acini and ductal granules the best fixative is the formaldehyde-NaCl; 4. The saline formaldehyde gives the most adequate fixation for histochemical techniques.


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Author Biographies

Arestides Massao Nachi, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Estagiário da Disciplina de Histologia, pelo programa "Bolsa de trabalho e pesquisa - convenio MEC/DAE/FUEL", no período de janeiro a julho de 1980.

Ivan Giacomo Piza, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Professor Titular de Histologia - Orientador.



How to Cite

Nachi, A. M., & Piza, I. G. (1981). Adição de NaCI em soluções fixadoras - observações histológicas e histoquímicas. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 2(8), 173–177.


