Enhanced-efficiency fertilizers on the growth of coffee plants under weed (Bidens Pilosa) competition stress
Coffee, Competition, Fertilization, Growth, Plants.Abstract
The interference of weeds in coffee cultivation is one of the factors contributing to losses and impairments in crop growth and productivity. Consequently, it becomes necessary to employ strategies aimed at mitigating this stress and facilitating optimal crop development through enhanced nutritional practices. This study aimed to assess the impact of various sources and modes of release of enhanced-efficiency phosphate fertilizers on the initial growth of Coffea arabica L. plants in competition with the weed Bidens pilosa in a greenhouse. The experiment was conducted at the Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha and Mucuri – Diamantina MG, Brazil, employing a block design in a 4 x 6 factorial arrangement with four replications. The factors corresponded to four levels of B. pilosa infestation and six phosphorus sources (Super Single, Conventional, MAP, Granulated Organomineral, Pelleted Organomineral, MAP Coated with Polymer, and a control treatment without fertilization). The findings suggest that under the experimental conditions of this research, the escalating density of weed competition from B. pilosa negatively impacts the initial growth of coffee plants. However, this effect is dependent on the source of phosphate fertilization. Fertilizers with slow-release phosphate sources are recommended for coffee plantations, as they contribute to reduced weed growth in comparison to coffee plants.
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