Effect of nitrogen fertilization on structure and tillering dynamics of Piata palisade grass during the deferment period
Brachiaria brizantha, Foliage area index, Stability index, Tiller.Abstract
Nitrogen fertilization can increase the appearance of new tillers, which can improve the structure of deferred sward, since the deferral period is not long. Thus, the objective of this study was to estimate the effects of nitrogen fertilization on structure and tillering dynamics of Piata palisade grass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Piata) during deferment. We evaluated three nitrogen fertilization levels (none - 0 kg ha -1; medium - 75 kg ha -1; and high - 150 kg ha -1) associated with deferment periods (1, 30, 60, 90, and 120 days). The experimental design was set in completely randomised blocks in a split-plot arrangement, with three replications. The deferment period influenced foliage area index quadratically (p < 0.01) at all fertilization levels. The improvement in nitrogen fertilization levels increased light interception and reduced the foliage angle, but it did not affect tillering dynamics of Piata palisade grass during the deferment period. Appearance and mortality rates, the balance between tiller appearance and mortality and the stability index of the population of aerial and basal tillers of Piata palisade grass were higher at the beginning of the pasture deferment period. Nitrogen fertilization does not stimulate appearance of tillers on deferred Piata palisade grass. Tiller population stability, however, is only high at the beginning of deferment, decreasing after this initial period.Downloads
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