Usability evaluation approaches in digital editorial products




Usability, Interface Evaluation, Digital Convergence, Methods


Analyzing the media that is traditionally printed and move to the digital environment requires a process of usability evaluation. Thus, this study presents a systematic bibliographic review with the main issues related to the usability evaluation processes for newspapers, magazines, books and distribution platforms, and also demonstrates the current stage of usability research for such products. It highlights that summative evaluations and digital libraries are predominant, including studies whose purpose is to verify the degree of general usability of those products. The most used methods are questionnaires and task analysis, and usability criteria are based on traditional literature. It is concluded that new studies can explore several gaps such as specific heuristics, protocols and questionnaires to evaluate such products, comparing the usability and accessibility of the platforms.


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Author Biography

Bruno Cavalheiro Bertagnolli, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UFSC

Master in Design earned from the State Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UFSC.


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How to Cite

Bertagnolli, B. C. (2020). Usability evaluation approaches in digital editorial products. Projetica, 11(2), 35–59.



Ergonomia e Usabilidade

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