Ergonomic analysis of an elderly woman’s gaiting assistive devices




Elderly, Gaiting assistive devices, Ergonomics, Design


The elderly population have suffered more and more changes in the performance of motor skills, associated with active daily life and degenerative changes. This case study aims to develop an ergonomic analysis of the assistive devices during the gaiting action of an elderly woman. The two assistive devices analyzed achieved their practical function, however, since the objective of the elderly woman is the discharge of weight, it was concluded that the Lofstrand crutch was the best device in terms of ease to use.

Author Biographies

Mikaela de Souza, Universidade Feevale

Bachelor's degree in Design from the Universidade Feevale

Jacinta Sidegum Renner, Universidade Feevale

PhD in Production Engineering earned from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Professor at theUniversidade Feevale


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How to Cite

Souza, M. de, & Renner, J. S. (2019). Ergonomic analysis of an elderly woman’s gaiting assistive devices. Projetica, 10(3), 117–128.



Ergonomia e Usabilidade