Preservation policy for the collection of the State University of Londrina library system: a proposal
University library, Preservation policy, Collections, Digital preservationAbstract
Introduction: A Preservation policy for the collection of the State University of Londrina (UEL) Library System, including digital and print media. The policy consists of a document containing guidance and guidelines to be adopted by the Library System staff, aiming at the collection preservation.Objective: To establish guidelines and responsibilities for the collection preservation actions; to serve as a guidance instrument in the definition of the material to be preserved, restored and/or discarded; to document the collection preservation guidelines and actions.
Methodology: One designed the policy considering the problems regarding the collection preservation that were identified at the Central Library's several departments by using a form responded by each of the department managers. A collection preservation policy was elaborated based on the identified problems.
Results: The policy includes the following elements: necessary prevention measures in the process of acquisition by purchase, exchange and donation, as well as in the weeding in order to avoid incorporation or retaining contaminated or fisically inadequate collection items. The preventive actions proposed for the internal environment include lighting, temperature and air humidity, dust and pollution. As to the maintainance of the building, designed to shelter and protect the collection against the external environment, one suggests periodical inspection of plumbing, wiring, and gutters, amongst other items. Regarding to the collection, one proposes periodical inspections, installation of an anti-theft and anti-vandalism system, recommendations refering to storage, and promoting educational campaings of awareness and proper handling for employees and users. Concerning the digital preservation, the State University of Londrina does not yet have an approved and published policy; therefore, it is necessary to employ a minimum of actions to ensure the preservation of the digital objecs produced by the Digital Library. Amongst such actions, one includes strategies and highlights the participation of the Cariniana network, coordinated by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT) .
Conclusions: All the information carriers with the passage of time to deteriorate. Therefore, information units must have a document that contains a collection preservation policy that includes guidelines on deciding what materials are conserved, for how long and with what.
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