Intergenerational actions: a reinterpretation of the seniors in the information institutions.
Elderly, Intergenerational, Libraries. SchoolsAbstract
Introduction: The general framework in indicate a path that could represent the announcement of a new stage in the relations we have with the elderly and with them the most different age groups.Objectives: In this document, we seek to present initiatives that have in intergenerational relationships trigger your motto, with special attention, although not exclusively, those related to the area of librarianship.
Methodology: The methodological procedures are oriented according to qualitative principles, exploratory given the need to get closer to the object of study.
Results: Present initiatives that were in intergenerational relationships trigger your theme, with special attention, although not exclusively, those related to the area of librarianship. These searches led us to recognize the existence of an international dimensions of movement rescue the elderly and his experience as a form of rehabilitation of this segment in the sociocultural life.
Conclusions: The recognition of the existence of an international dimensions of movement rescue the elderly and his experience as a form of rehabilitation of this segment in the sociocultural life.
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