Pedagogy, Architecture and Librarianship: pedagogical procedures for a school library restructure
School library, Pedagogical procedures, Architectural restructuring, Pedagogy, Architecture, LibrarianshipAbstract
Introduction: School libraries in general are still not able to provide, to their readers, a space where they can feel welcomed physically, psychologically and culturally. The library of the State Educational Institute of Londrina (IEEL) is not an exception.Objective: Disseminate the interventions conducted in IEEL’s library by the extension project “Formation of the Reading Mediator in public school” team from 2012 to 2015.
Methodology: The procedures were built using the collaborative methodology and had the participation of teachers and students from UEL, directors, pedagogical team and attendants of the IEEL’s library.
Results: Interferences were conducted in the spatial school library readaptation associated with reading pedagogical mediation, aiming readers’ formation. To achieve that, several meetings of study and research, discussion about libraries, their spaces and roles were held, as recognition of library space at IEEL and UEL’s central library and construction of a comfortable and pleasant architectural project were made.
Conclusions: The first spatial adjustments in the school library have already been showing their effects because they have been answering to the needs of use of the library space by the school community satisfactorily.
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