Evaluation as a translation and subjectivation process:

dialogue and conflict in history teaching





evaluation, historical learning, history teaching, cultural translation


This article aims to present readings that can support research and evaluation practices of the History curricular component, considering issues such as translation and conflict. We present the evaluation process as a process of cultural translation, considering intersubjectivities produced in the midst of interaction and problematization between subjects. The theoretical basis for the use of such
concepts are Foucault’s texts for the processes of intersubjectivity and processes of subjectivation; Bhabha for the concepts of translation and hybridity; and Rancière for the proposition of understanding the concepts of dissent and conflict. The concepts are mobilized to enunciate principles and bring reflections that can promote conceptions in relation to evaluation in the History teaching.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, S. (2022). Evaluation as a translation and subjectivation process: : dialogue and conflict in history teaching. História & Ensino, 28(1), 018–034. https://doi.org/10.5433/2238-3018.2022v28n1p018-034



Dossiê - Avaliação das aprendizagens em História: Práticas, Teorias e Políticas