History teaching and human formation: study activity as a condition for the development of theoretical thinking by students





Secretariat of Education, Culture, Sport and Tourism of Massaranduba (SC), Master in Education by Furb.


We have presented a study proposal activity for History learning, aimed to the elementary students at sixth grade, in a public school of the municipality of Massaranduba (SC) with the main theme "What is the purpose of studying History?” The proposal has been analyzed from a Vygotsky’s perspective, highlighting the theoretical concepts of learning and development of neoformations, such as awareness and intervention of will (arbitrariness). At the same time, we also use the theoretical understandings developed by Vasili Vasilievich Davidov that presents the study activity as a condition for the students’ development of theoretical thinking, through five mental actions, based on the genetic method (one that attends to the historical genesis of events), aiming at the constitution of a theoretical position in relation to the reality, by the students.


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Author Biographies

Edson Schroeder, FURB

Regional University of Blumenau, PhD in Science and Technological Education from UFSC.

Simão Henrique Jakobowski, FURB

Secretariat of Education, Culture, Sport and Tourism of Massaranduba (SC), Master in Education by Furb.


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How to Cite

Schroeder, E., & Jakobowski, S. H. (2020). History teaching and human formation: study activity as a condition for the development of theoretical thinking by students. História & Ensino, 26(2), 159–182. https://doi.org/10.5433/2238-3018.2020v26n2p159


