Textbooks and images: an analysis at the Federal Institute of Maranhão





Textbook, Images, Teaching History.


The purpose of this article is to analyze the use of iconographic representations in the textbook of the Third Year of High School of Computer Science and Visual Communication Courses of the Federal Institute of Maranhão, as well as some students' perceptions about the didactic textbook and the Image. The research consisted of two moments: initially an analysis of some images contained in the textbook and later the application of a questionnaire with the referred classes. We are located in the dimension of Cultural History; field of history teaching; and thematic field of textbook and image. Theoretically we rely on Rüsen (1997, 2006), Burke (2004), Bittencourt (2008) and Ströher (2012), references that analyze the textbook and the importance of the image as a historical source. As a result, we noticed a significant change in the presentation of the historical themes to contemplate "silenced minorities" in the textbooks of History, but also the permanence, in a forceful way, of stereotyped representations of historical agents, such as Black people. We also found, from the answers to the questionnaire that the notion of History Didactics does not present itself in a perceptible way in the teaching of History classes, making it difficult to connect history, practical life and learning, and nullifying the perspective of construction of a historical consciousness.


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Author Biographies

Delcineide Maria Ferreira Segadilha, Universidade Federal do Maranhão

PhD in Education. Adjunct professor at the Department of Education I and the Graduate Program in Management of Basic Education Teaching - PPGEEB at the Federal University of Maranhão / UFMA.

David Silva Dias, Universidade Federal do Maranhão

Master's student of the Graduate Program in Management of Basic Education TeachingPGEEB from the Federal University of Maranhão.


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How to Cite

Segadilha, D. M. F., & Dias, D. S. (2018). Textbooks and images: an analysis at the Federal Institute of Maranhão. História & Ensino, 24(2), 107–133. https://doi.org/10.5433/2238-3018.2018v24n2p107



Dossiê - Avaliação das aprendizagens em História: Práticas, Teorias e Políticas