Game as history: contributions of Michel Foucault to do historiography


  • Luciano Rocha Pinto Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro



History, Theory, Power, Michel Foucault


This paper tries to reveal a “Teorien”, a way of guiding the view from the theoretical and methodological approach proposed by Michel Foucault. Accused of not having amethod, the philosopher-historian will broaden the perspective of historians or the lookof anoyher way of seeing, thinking and build the story. It was never obvious or transparent, not elaborated theoretical frameworks easy to measure than is the reality. He was criticized and sometimes misunderstood, because it presents a different lookand fierce against the ideas of continuity, all subject founding noble origins and teleological approaches. The notions of discontinuity and relational power introduce another look at history, it must be perceived as a game.


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Author Biography

Luciano Rocha Pinto, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Doctoral student of the Graduate Program in Political History at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (PPG-História-UERJ).


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How to Cite

Pinto, L. R. (2011). Game as history: contributions of Michel Foucault to do historiography. História & Ensino, 17(1), 149–165.


