Conceição Evaristo’s writing and literature as resistance: insurgent dialogues in Olhos d’água
testimonial content, structural racism, Conceição EvaristoAbstract
The 20th century was full of conflicts that engendered discussions on the theory of testimony, coming to materialize through faces of literature that talk about the hardships of different segments of society and being strongly committed to the truth of historical facts. Based on the above, the main objective of this article is to examine the book of short stories Olhos D'água, by Conceição Evaristo (2018), a work of fiction, but with powerful descriptions of the life of the Brazilian Afro-descendant population and their process of annihilation in the face of a arbitrary state. As for the theoretical scope, it is anchored in Seligman-Silva's notion of testimonial content and, above all, in the dialogue with Brazilian structural racism, via texts by Ribeiro and Almeida. Methodologically, this is a bibliographical research, and as a result it was found that the work produces a discussion about racism and the condition of black women in the face of oppression in society.
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