Uma análise dos marcadores dêiticos na construção de sentidos da crônica A vaguidão específica
deixis; fictitious transposition; preconstructedAbstract
This article proposes to analyze the use of deictic markers in the chronicle A vaguidão específica, by Millôr Fernandes, in order to understand how these linguistic mechanisms work and how they contribute to the construction of different meanings present in the text. In order to verify how deixis contributes to the effect of humor constructed in this fictional narrative, Levinson's (2006) contributions on deixis and Fonseca's ([1989] 1992, 1994) on deixis and fictional transposition are used. The notion of preconstructed from the perspective of enunciative semantics (CULIOLI, 1990; CAMPOS, XAVIER, 1991; CORREIA, PEREIRA, 2015a) proved to be another important conceptual tool for this discussion. Through a qualitative methodology, deictic markers and expressions that potentially refer to preconstructed ones are highlighted in order to investigate their functioning and discuss the possible meanings they convey. The results indicate that the humor effect comes from the blocking of access imposed on the reader/listener to the referential coordinates shared by the characters in the chronicle, co-enunciators who use the linguistic mechanisms under analysis to make themselves understood.
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