Style and Types of Discourse on a TV Report of the Genre Electronic Magazine
Genre, Style, Report, Social-Discursive InteractionismAbstract
The choice of a genre is among the initial stages of the textual creation process and is closely connected to the development of the author's individual style. Utterances may show different levels of expressiveness and distinct intonations according to the choice of the genre, since some are more inclined than others to the individual style. In this article we will analyze excerpts from a television report of the genre Electronic Magazine, in order to identify language resources that reveal the intentions of the communication act and its effects on expressivity. We will employ two distinct theoretical bases in order to compare their dissonant and complementary aspects, by observing stylistic aspects according to Jakobson's communication scheme (1969) and also the classification according to the types of discourse in the framework brought by Bronckart (2003). We will follow the concept of genre defined by socio-discursive interactionism. An inductive empirical methodology will be used, observing the particularities of the text to find possible patterns. We intend to relate predominant and secondary characteristics, verifying their alignment with the premises of the genre and the individual style traits. We will point out to the multiplicity of functions and intentions of the utterance that overlap themselves in a hierarchical way, but hardly fit entirely plastered formulas.
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