The representation of feminine in the amazon mitopoese
Mitopoese, Feminine, Imaginary, SymbolismAbstract
This article aims to analyze the character of a mythical Amazon oral narrative from her imaginary and symbolic construction. The mitopoese corresponds to the case of an old erveira who morphs into a jaguar and that tries to attack a young man of your community. In this case, the analysis will be made from the imaginary which surrounds the negative valuation of this lady, valuation that is representation. Therefore, the analysis began with reading the field of symbology (CHEVALIER; GHEERBRANT, 2009) and the concept of imaginary of Mafessoli (2001) to understand that the image formed of women is beyond the factual reality, composing a reality sensitized, another way of representing. The way the image of woman is formed in that narrative also passes by reading Beauvoir (1961) since the way of the feminine image is put on the scene it creates a discourse which is also representation of the fear that has formed about this sex.
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