A reflection on the constitution of socio-discursive practice in naming the motels
Speeches, Society, CultureAbstract
This study has the objective to show that the names given to romance hotels more than identify them, but also reveals a cultural view of social practices that involves the historically situated individuals. For that, it will be taken as corpus data some restricted romance hotels’ names in one city, having them useful for the accomplishment of a study based on the French discourse analysis, more specifically, on the interdiscourse concepts, memory and meaning effect. Also, it will be used the studies of Berger (1986) to follow up this search, as for him “the society structures become into the structures of our own conscience”, as well as the definition of culture idea, once “If the man is, in fact, a symbolic animal, from that it is understood that he lives in a relative context of values, beliefs, concepts and, finally, symbolizations that constitute his culture” (SARTORI, 2001, p. 26), that is, then, what constitutes himself.Downloads
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