Printed or digital? The practice of reading texts on paper and on screen
Printed texts, Digital texts, Digital literacyAbstract
This article presents some statements about the practices of reading texts on paper and on screen in view of the undergraduate Bachelor of Science and Technology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (BCT/UFRN). These graduates attended the curricular component Practice Reading and Writing II (PLE- II) in the first half of 2011. In him, we intend to explore, among other things, the controversy over the future of publishing that goes through the following questions: Printed books resist the new technologies? The e-books will supersede printed books? It is possible the coexistence of printed books and digital books? To do so, during this article, we bring the analysis to say six of undergraduates in semi-structured interviews and opinion articles they produced to contribute to this debate. The materials selected for this study is part of the corpus of research completed with these reviewers. The analysis of these data follow the theoretical and methodological assumptions of the design language (gem) Bakhtin (2009), studies of literacy as social practice (KLEIMAN 1995, 2005, OLIVEIRA; KLEIMAN, 2008), studies on digital literacy (XAVIER, 2002; COSCARELLI; RIBEIRO, 2007). The results of this analysis point us to a multiplicity of practices of reading/writing of printed and digital texts developed by graduating BCT due to the coexistence of the printed form and that stems from new mobile devices.Downloads
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