Sectoral analysis and identification of key sectors in MATOPIBA: an input-product approach




Input-Output, MATOPIBA, ABC Plan.


The present study obtained the sectorial and intersectoral effects, in relation to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, through the realization of the ABC Plan in the MATOPIBA region. A Hybrid Inter-Reginal Input-Output model focusing on the breakdown of the MATOPIBA region was built and operationalized for this purpose. Two scenarios were created with different levels of GHG emissions resulting from the implementation (or not) of the ABC Plan in the region. The results show the importance that the actions of the ABC Plan brought to the study region, the main key sectors for the control of GHG emissions in the region, in addition to corroborating the permanence of pro-environmental actions in MATOPIBA.


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Author Biography

Attawan Guerino Locatel Suela, Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV

PhD from the Graduate Program in Applied Economics at the Universidade Federal de Viçosa -Brasil


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How to Cite

Suela, A. G. L. (2022). Sectoral analysis and identification of key sectors in MATOPIBA: an input-product approach. Economia & Região, 10(3), 194–217.




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