Federal special civil court as an instrument facilitating access to justice
Access to justice, Federal special civil courts, Federal justice.Abstract
This study deals with how the creation of the institute of federal special civil courts facilitated the access to justice of underprivileged people in their disputes against the Union and their federal entities. The chosen subject pretends to expose about the benefits brought to the genesis of law 10.259, of July 12, 2001, focusing on federal special civil courts. The results show that the law of special courts reflects an approach in the relationship of the citizen to the distant and skeptical justice, because it offers a way of adjudication that comes in favor of the underprivileged people, inserted in a complex society, allowing, through its informality, a direct contact between the parties, judge and witnesses. The end of the bureaucracy as desired by the people and idealized by law enforcement officers was matearialized with the creation of mycrosistem according with the social reality in which it operates.Downloads
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