The right to happiness: a principiological analysis and its unfolding in the Brazilian legal order
Right to Happiness. Constitutional Law. Hermeneutics. Implicit Constitutional Principle.Abstract
This paper analyzes the right to happiness as a constitutional principle implicit in the Brazilian legal order. Furthermore, this study explores its unfolding and application from a judicial perspective; in order to reach this objective, this researchcollected data, notes and answers from various legal scholars regarding the following question: what is the definitionof happiness, as it is, today, an ambiguous legal concept. Within this context, this research presents the right to happiness’ principiological undertakings, and studies the evolution of its normative principles – steadily obtained with the postpositivism movement. Furthermore, this paper concludes that the right to
happiness, encompassing the right to pursuit happiness, needs be guaranteed as a teleological motive in judicial decisions, only then can it be exercised freely. In conclusion, the right to happiness is guaranteed in innumerous constitutions–e.g. Bhutan, South Korea, United States of America, France and
Japan; yet, in Brazil it is frequently present as a rationale in judicial decisions.
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