Federative autonomy and the problem of unanimity in Confaz’s agreements
Fiscal war. CONFAZ´s agreements. ICMS. Useful unconstitutionality. Dictatorship of the minority.Abstract
The authors of the research paper in question analyze the need for unanimous decisions in the agreements of the Brazilian National Finance Policy Council (CONFAZ), as it can grant ICMS tax benefits and incentives. To this end, we explore the Brazilian Supreme Court´s – also known in Portuguese as the “Supremo Tribunal Federal” – position on this matter; the legislative procedure adopted by states when dealing with declarations of unconstitutionality; the occurrence of the "useful unconstitutionality"; as well as examining the Brazilian Law n. 24/75. Additionally, we make a critical analysis of the dangerous perpetuation of the "dictatorship of the minority" present in the Brazilian Federation. Moreover, we utilized a historical approach, highlighting legal scholars’ views on this issue and finally, we suggest solutions for the problem of unanimity in the CONFAZ´s agreements.Downloads
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