Globalization, constitution and foreign policy: comparative analysis of citizen participation in brasil, chile and colombia
Democracy, Constitution, Foreign Policy.Abstract
The sovereign state is, as a rule, the entity established under public law with representation and capacity for dialogue in an international level. There is consistent evidence that liberal and democratic institutions give primacy to the executive power when shaping foreign policy in presidential and parliamentary countries. This paper aims to conduct a comparative study of the constitutions of Brazil, Colombia, and Chile on the existing mechanisms that allow for civil society ?s participation in foreign policy. The preferred method of study is the examination of the theoretical framework of participation and analyzes the constitutions that show possible mechanisms of civil society ?s participation in foreign policy. However, the result of this study indicates that the constitutions of Brazil, Chile, and Colombia indicates a slow change towards greater participation of civil society in the production and influencing of foreign policy within these countries. In conclusion, the current participation of civil society is strictly punctual and varies depending on the structural shape of the constitution of these countries.Downloads
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