Access to justice and a new system of execution of sentence introduced by Law no. 11,232 / 2005
Access to justice, Swiftness and effectiveness of Procedure, Execution of sentence, Law no . 11, 232 / 2005 .Abstract
Access to justice , fundamental requirement of the modern legal system is alcançadopela full and effective provision of judicial protection . In the pursuit of speed procedural eefetividade , it is clear that the execution of the sentence is one of the critical pontosmais the current civil procedure , because many are the difficulties encontradaspelo winner of the cause, which is required to establish a new process for quepossa be made effective command judicial. Thus, the Law no . 11,232 / 2005 has porfinalidade modernize the execution of the sentence , ending the dichotomy to entãoexistente between process knowledge and implementation , adopting the quea doctrine termed ' syncretic process ' , ie the integration of atividadescognitiva and business , providing the effectiveness of judicial protection.Downloads
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