Lethargy or daring : specific questions about the legal positivism and the Alternative Law
Law, Legal positivism, Standard Hypothetical Fundamental, hermeneutics, Alternative law, Lethargy, Axiology .Abstract
The phenomenon of law , by its impact on the daily life of society is concebidocomo historical , sociological and marked by human circumstances of estudiososbem as applicators or legal operators. The scope of this is evidenciarque apply the law not from the " Limbo neutrality " ( Lênio Streck ) masdas variants and conditionings , which consequently cancel qualquertentativa to demonstrate an alleged neutrality of the law. Before the fatoconcreto scholars and applicators of law ( legal practitioners ) choose , consciously or unconsciously , by a legal theory , among them stands out : oPositivismo Legal and Law Alternativo.Downloads
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