Outsourcing in public administration
Outsourcing, Public administration.Abstract
Delimits the historical moment in which the outsourcing institute was implantado.Conceitua broadly, highlighting its applicability in private epublic spheres. Deepens their study in the Public Administration , putting acomo way to increase efficiency in the provision of public services, comredução costs. Warns, however , to the legal limits and those estabelecidospor principles of public law , which must be observed in doadministrador decision to hire third parties for the achievement of activities públicas.Define the rules set forth in the Fiscal Responsibility Law about degastos limit with spending personnel, in accordance with art . 18 , § 1 . Concludes the analysis detodos the means that may be worth the administrator to achieve quemelhor result meets the public interest , before adopting the terceirizaçãoindiscriminadamente as an immediate solution to administrative problems.Downloads
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